You will be aware that it is school practice for children to receive a homework timetable. To help the children organise themselves, we have drawn up a two-week timetable, which covers Maths, English, Science and Humanities for all year groups and in addition, French in Key Stage 3. We also would strongly recommend that children to read on a regular basis, for at least 20-30 minutes per evening, and spend time practising their mathematical arithmetic skills and times tables.
Homework will be recorded on Epraise, which can be accessed at home via your child's account or your very own parent account. Please contact the school should you require help to access this feature. On completion of homework, we ask the pupils mark this 'done' on their Epraise accounts (via class notes). For each homework that is completed on time, your child will receive one merit and your child's teacher will acknowledge it 'complete' via Epraise.
When homework is not being completed or is handed in late, your child will receive a demerit. If homework is not being completed on a regular basis you will be contacted by your child's subject teacher and/or tutor to discuss ways to help your child complete their homework.
You can download the Homework Timetable here: Homework Timetable