Partial closure (Y5 and Y6 only in school) for Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th March and Friday 20th March

About Us


In our inclusive community,
each valued individual is taught self-belief.
We are resilient and optimistic,
caring for ourselves and our peers.
We are Children of God, with hope,
awe and wonder in our hearts.

Our Bible Verse

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another,
as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Our Values

Kindness - Respect - Honesty - Friendship

Our Motto

Respect Believe Succeed

Our vision and values, rooted in Christian theology and embedded in all aspects of school life, shape our curriculum and provision, so that all pupils receive high quality inclusive education and an equal opportunity to learn and achieve their full potential, academically, socially and spiritually. Through our provision, we aim to create a learning environment where a curiosity for learning is nurtured so that our pupils develop a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.  We set high expectations for all our pupils, both academically and socially - through the delivery of a broad, rich, stimulating education that engages all learners and nurtures reflective, resilient learners.  Furthermore, high expectations for behaviour are integral in creating a safe and happy environment in which all children can flourish and achieve their potential.  We wish for our pupils to be aware of their role in the wider world, open their eyes to the diversity within it, celebrate the richness of human experience and their role within their local community and beyond. 

Our aim is that all children attending the school will become life-long learners who are curious about the world around them and are creative in their exploits while caring for others and themselves. We seek to enable our pupils to make informed choices, becoming increasingly independent and playing their part in the community. It is about inspiring children to look at the world differently, and about challenging them to be fascinated by lessons and subjects. We offer pupils a spiritual dimension that is distinctively Christian, and honours other faiths and those people who profess no faith.

We aim to inspire every child – whatever their abilities – to achieve their very best and make a valuable contribution to the Walkwood community. The curriculum is broad and contains knowledge that is based on the National Curriculum, and each lesson has a clear objective, along with key words for literacy.

Curriculum rationale

We are a Church of England school which is fully inclusive of all faiths and beliefs. While Christian principles underpin all of the school’s values, we know that these morals are shared by many faiths. We look for our pupils to take into their lives beyond our school an outlook that allows then to learn to love the experiences, people and spirituality that they encounter.


Walkwood values

“Church of England Schools have at their heart a belief that all children are loved by God, are individually unique and that the school has a mission to help each pupil to fulfil their  potential in all aspects of their personhood: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually. Schools have a duty to try to remove any factor that might represent a hindrance  to a child’s fulfilment. We want all pupils to want to engage in learning in a safe and welcoming ethos.” 

Valuing All God’s Children, Church of England, 2014 

 Public Sector Equality Duty



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